Example Applications
Mr. Gami Fication's safe
Mr. Gami Fication's safe is a web-based Tool about Gamification and it's designed Gamification application, too. Users are asked to help Mr. Gami Fication to save his Gamification secret from being stolen. In a gameful manner, the tool follows various goals:
- Present a comprehensive Design Space for Gamifiction
- Create a database for Gamification applications with information about task, sector, target group, validation, player type, type of motivation, etc.
- Provide the opportunity to browse through the database with many filter options

Gamification of Fitness for Employees by NextJump
This Gamification solution has the goal to motivate employees to use the company's fitness studio. It uses, for instance, team building and leaderboards (called FitRank) in order to reach this goal.
ASiPE (Assistive System in Production Environment)
The topic of this Gamification concept is manual production, which is often done by impaired and disabled persons. The system aims at empowering these people to carry out more challenging and rewarding tasks in order to improve both the workers' motivation and the quality of the work and the products. The system is associated with the common game Tetris and combines "game world" with the real-world production environment using motion recognition.

RedCritter Tracker
The RedCritter Tracker is a gamified system supporting agile project management. Its goals are to support the employees with the project administration and to motivate them to use the system.